An air purifier is becoming a necessity

Air quality One of the things that most of us take for granted is breathing. You obviously could not live if you did not do it. The problem is we are nowhere near as concerned as we should be as…
Helping you save yourself throughout life
Helping you save yourself throughout life
Air quality One of the things that most of us take for granted is breathing. You obviously could not live if you did not do it. The problem is we are nowhere near as concerned as we should be as…
This week I go over another app designed to alert you in case of an event or disaster that is impacting your area: the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) app. Last week wrote about the American Red Cross Emergency Alerts…
This week and next week I am going to talk about two apps you should have on your smartphone: American Red Cross Emergency Alerts FEMA Both apps are available for free on the iOS App Store and the Google Play…
Uncommonly Common these days I remember growing up in the 70s and 80s before weather forecasting was what it is today. I also remember that extreme weather was a rare occurrence and when it was expected, people took notice. Sure…
As the west continues to wither due to extreme temperatures and a megadrought, the wildfire season is kicking into high gear thanks to all the dead and dry fuel. I figured it was a good time to talk about my…
Today I want to talk about the need to have an emergency stockpile. If the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t convince you, I don’t know what will. As summer begins, we are entering several seasonal periods of disaster danger from hurricanes, wildfires,…
I thought this week would be a good time to discuss trail snacks. A couple weeks ago I encouraged you to get outdoors and do some hiking. One of the things I recommended you always bring with you is food…
Water bottles today are as ubiquitous as air. You would be hard pressed to find someone that didn’t own any. There are so many water bottles available from an unknown number of manufacturers but some are better than others. The…
This month I want to take a look at portable lighting. It is something that everyone should have regardless if you are preparing for a disaster or not. At some point you are going to need a flashlight for something. …
With Thanksgiving just around the corner and leftovers a plenty, I want to talk about a kitchen appliance that is not as common in kitchens as your toaster, blender, can opener or maybe even an air fryer; and that is…
Having enough food is not something I ever thought I would have to worry about living in the US. I never felt that I needed a chest freezer. That was until early March as lockdowns were being established and everyone…