Portable Lighting
This month I want to take a look at portable lighting. It is something that everyone should have regardless if you are preparing for a disaster or not. At some point you are going to need a flashlight for something. …
Helping you save yourself throughout life
Helping you save yourself throughout life
This month I want to take a look at portable lighting. It is something that everyone should have regardless if you are preparing for a disaster or not. At some point you are going to need a flashlight for something. …
Most of us think we have seen and used the Windows calculator app before. If it was just the basic and scientific calculators you remember from Windows 3.1, 95, 98, NT, ME, XP and Vista then you would be right…but…
It goes without saying that these days we are bombarded by more information than we can possible absorb or remember. Gone are the days when a paper notepad would suffice for taking notes. You need the ability to focus on…
Just when I thought ‘Finally 2020 is over, and things will start to get better’, they have actually gotten worse. I’m not sure 2021 could have started off much worse start than it did. The surging pandemic continuing unbated in…
With Thanksgiving just around the corner and leftovers a plenty, I want to talk about a kitchen appliance that is not as common in kitchens as your toaster, blender, can opener or maybe even an air fryer; and that is…
Having enough food is not something I ever thought I would have to worry about living in the US. I never felt that I needed a chest freezer. That was until early March as lockdowns were being established and everyone…
Welcome to the first Save Yourself Today post. The purpose of this blog will be to present various topics in the 4 skill-based focus disciplines that Save Yourself Academy offers courses on: Business Skills Life Skills Outdoor Skills Technology Skills…