2021 Life Skills Articles

This article contains a list of links to websites and news articles related to life skills from 2021. The number at the end (0) indicates how many links to news articles are in each month. Click a topic to see…
Helping you save yourself throughout life
Helping you save yourself throughout life
This article contains a list of links to websites and news articles related to life skills from 2021. The number at the end (0) indicates how many links to news articles are in each month. Click a topic to see…
This week I want to talk about ways to enhance your water for your next outdoor activity or exercise sessions while providing your body much needed nutrients using Nuun products (pronounced ‘noon’). They specialize in electrolyte replacement products that can…
Having a car emergency kit is essential, yet the majority of Americans don’t have one. So, to help those of you that do not, this week I want to cover what is in mine. It all started when…. Before getting…
This week I want to profess my love for air fryers. It may make my George Foreman grill jealous but I don’t care. What is so great about them? They allow me to enjoy fried foods without them being deep…
Last week I talked about the need for an air purifier to help with seasonal allergens but more for wildfire smoke. With the increase in wildfires due to climate change how bad is the smoke from wildfires? Smoke Forecasts For…
Air quality One of the things that most of us take for granted is breathing. You obviously could not live if you did not do it. The problem is we are nowhere near as concerned as we should be as…
This week I want to talk about the kitchen appliance that gets a lot of use at my house; my George Foreman grill. I use it at least 2-3 times a week for hamburgers, chicken strips, pork chops and steaks. I…
I thought this week would be a good time to discuss trail snacks. A couple weeks ago I encouraged you to get outdoors and do some hiking. One of the things I recommended you always bring with you is food…
Many of us today take Internet access for granted. I’ve been online and connected since 1996 and not sure how I would function in the world today if I didn’t have access to it. I use it every day, all…
In my article last month on creating a budget I briefly mentioned how I didn’t put credit cards on the budget and why. It is not that I am against them, far from it. I have 5 cards open at…
It’s that time a year again where everyone is scrambling to file their taxes. For the second time in two years, the US Government has extended the deadline for filing and paying your taxes. This year until May 17th instead…
Water bottles today are as ubiquitous as air. You would be hard pressed to find someone that didn’t own any. There are so many water bottles available from an unknown number of manufacturers but some are better than others. The…