George Foreman Grill – I’m a Fan
This week I want to talk about the kitchen appliance that gets a lot of use at my house; my George Foreman grill. I use it at least 2-3 times a week for hamburgers, chicken strips, pork chops and steaks. I…
Helping you save yourself throughout life
Helping you save yourself throughout life
This week I want to talk about the kitchen appliance that gets a lot of use at my house; my George Foreman grill. I use it at least 2-3 times a week for hamburgers, chicken strips, pork chops and steaks. I…
I thought this week would be a good time to discuss trail snacks. A couple weeks ago I encouraged you to get outdoors and do some hiking. One of the things I recommended you always bring with you is food…
Many of us today take Internet access for granted. I’ve been online and connected since 1996 and not sure how I would function in the world today if I didn’t have access to it. I use it every day, all…
It’s that time of year. Days are getting longer and warmer and people are itching to get back outdoors. Hiking is one of the easiest outdoor activities to get started with. You don’t need a ton gear or any special…
Snip & Sketch is a screen-capture utility built-in to Windows 10. It is the planned replacement for the much loved Snipping Tool. Snip & Sketch has been in Windows 10 since the fall of 2018 (version 1809). This article is…
In my article last month on creating a budget I briefly mentioned how I didn’t put credit cards on the budget and why. It is not that I am against them, far from it. I have 5 cards open at…
I have worked in the Information Technology field for over 3 decades across every industry vertical you can think of. Business disruptions are a fact of life. I have seen and heard just about everything when it comes to customer…
Updated May 29, 2021 with new added features: Price History, Cash Back & Rebates, Kids Mode and Personalized News Updated July 27, 2021 with new added features: Password Health & Outlook extension Microsoft Edge 1.0 When Windows 10 shipped in…
It’s that time a year again where everyone is scrambling to file their taxes. For the second time in two years, the US Government has extended the deadline for filing and paying your taxes. This year until May 17th instead…
Water bottles today are as ubiquitous as air. You would be hard pressed to find someone that didn’t own any. There are so many water bottles available from an unknown number of manufacturers but some are better than others. The…