How good is your Internet?

Many of us today take Internet access for granted. I’ve been online and connected since 1996 and not sure how I would function in the world today if I didn’t have access to it. I use it every day, all…
Helping you save yourself throughout life
Helping you save yourself throughout life
Many of us today take Internet access for granted. I’ve been online and connected since 1996 and not sure how I would function in the world today if I didn’t have access to it. I use it every day, all…
Snip & Sketch is a screen-capture utility built-in to Windows 10. It is the planned replacement for the much loved Snipping Tool. Snip & Sketch has been in Windows 10 since the fall of 2018 (version 1809). This article is…
Updated May 29, 2021 with new added features: Price History, Cash Back & Rebates, Kids Mode and Personalized News Updated July 27, 2021 with new added features: Password Health & Outlook extension Microsoft Edge 1.0 When Windows 10 shipped in…
Most of us think we have seen and used the Windows calculator app before. If it was just the basic and scientific calculators you remember from Windows 3.1, 95, 98, NT, ME, XP and Vista then you would be right…but…
It goes without saying that these days we are bombarded by more information than we can possible absorb or remember. Gone are the days when a paper notepad would suffice for taking notes. You need the ability to focus on…