Tag Disaster

Two-Way Radios

two-way radios

Two-way radios are devices that allow users to communicate wirelessly over a short distance. They are also known as walkie-talkies, and they are used for various purposes, such as emergency preparedness, outdoor sports, hospitality, law enforcement, manufacturing, and more. In…

2022 Events / Disasters – Human-caused

Events / Disasters

This article will keep a running list of links to websites, data repositories and news articles related to human-caused events / disasters during the 2022 calendar year. Natural and weather related events / disasters for 2022 are a separate article.…

The Western Megadrought

A Climate Crisis That Threatens Millions The American West is facing a water crisis that is having devastating and lasting effects on the environment, economy and society. The region is experiencing its worst megadrought in at least 1,200 years, according…

Wildfires – Are you in danger?

Wildfires have become an expected threat each summer.  With the on-going mega-drought consuming the western US, vegetation is dryer than ever before.  Read on to see how much danger you might be in. It doesn’t take much to spark a…